Wednesday, August 15, 2007

She Did It!!!!

Yesterday we actually did something besides go to Fiesta Texas. I forgot my camera of course but we ventured to a museum. The kids had a great time. They had a great dinosaur exhibit and that was there favorite. The museum is surrounded by a great park. So we headed there afterward to play. Maddie decided that today was the day to conquer the monkey bars, and she did. She took a pretty good fall and ended up with a fat lip. Thank goodness no broken bones. I just wanted to tell her good job. Way to go Maddie


Geri R said...

Mads, I am so proud of you that you are so brave. You handle your bumps are bruises so well. You are the prettiest fat lip kid I ever saw. Looks like you found another Cosi, maybe? I love all of you. Can't wait for Lake Powell!

kami @ said...

Little Maddie is brave, we are not there yet and I am okay with it that way.

Jamie Lynn said...

Hey Maddie, looking good! Nicole, where where where do I get my hair cut here? I am growing a mullet!!

Jenn said...

Maddie-Peyton says good job! She's been working on it this summer too, but hasn't done it by herself yet...So way to go.

Jenn said...

hey guys! Jas have you figured a place for us to fish yet? How is school is it as busy as ever? Hope you all are doing well.