Friday, August 24, 2007

summer days driftin away......

So summer is coming to an end and we are trying to fit everything in before school starts. Although I understand that it is hot here until after November,so it will continue to seem like summer. The other night we stayed out and enjoyed the evening and friends. Jason was a big hit when he came out on his long board. All the boys thought that was way cool. Maddie is going to have a hard time with all her friends going back to school full time. Although it may be a nice break for me. We decided to head to sea world since we haven't been there forever. This was a picture taken by Maddie in the back ,on our way. Nice job Maddie. Ellie is always such a good sport and hangs out for the ride. She likes to people watch and has fun doing it.
We went to sea world with a couple of friends.(Sandy,Lisa and Amber) This is Cole and Lucas enjoying the water park. Cole has become very adventurous and enjoys being crazy. He is the funniest kid. I love his personality although the terrible twos are in full swing.
Here is a picture of Madison and Georgia. They were also enjoying the water. Maddie and Georgia will be going to Pre-K together. They will be going everyday. Maddie is looking forward to it. I think Cole and I will really miss her while she is at school. She is his best bud.
We finished the day by going to the dolphin show. It was great and the kids loved it. Although I was a little excited to get out of there considering my clothes were stuck to me. This weather is a little hot for my likings. We had a great day. The kids had so much fun. This summer has been fun and we have enjoyed are many outings


janae said...

Good photography Maddie! I can't believe how big Ellie is getting. I still love Coles buzz. Love Jason in his workout clothes with all the kids around him!

jenny said...

Looks like you soaked it up until the last minute. Ellie is such a cutie!

Hey I didn't have your email to add you to my list. Send me yours at

P.S. How is your Twilight series coming??

Geri R said...

Ellie is so big and has so much more hair! Yikes, they are growing up too fast. YOu are such a trooper, Nicole. I admire your adventuresome spirit. You are such a good sport. Way to impress the kids, Jas. Maddie and Cole, I can't wait to hug you and Ellie.

Nate & Kelly said...

Looks like Jason is the babysitter on the block! The kids are getting so big... especially little Ellie and her beautiful blue eyes!! Good luck with school tomorrow! We miss and love you lots!

Jeff, Erin, Macy, Owen& June said...

Hey look how big Ellie is!! What a cutie! You guys always look like you are having so much fun together! I can't wait to see you soon! It seems like it has been awhile!

kami @ said...

Hey - I love that Maddie took that pic...funny, good job!

tyandmichellecall said...

I wouldn't plan on November being cool! I remember our Christmas days in Houston were all spent outside rollerskating and riding our bikes in shorts! Which is kind of nice once you get used to it. Enjoy!!