Friday, October 5, 2007

The Pumpkin Patch

Yesterday the kids and I headed to the nearest pumpkin patch. Now I must say this was a cute little patch, but it did make me miss Ohio and the great pumpkin patches they have. Ellie was excited that she was able to have her own pumpkin although she did think it was to eat. The kids had fun and enjoyed walking around. Maddie and Cole love blow ups so they were excited to get their pictures taken in front of them.Cole cracks me up with his crazy faces.
These are the pumpkins they each picked out. I am glad they went with the small ones. The bigger ones ran around ten dollars. Once again Cole making a goofy face. I wonder who he gets that from. It must be his dad.
I thought this was a cute picture of Ellie. I tell you this girl is one stiff cookie. She can sit by herself when she decides she wants to. Other wise she would prefer to stand.
Maddie was all about posing which I was loving. We had fun. It was nice because it wasn't far from the house. We are going to be venturing to a bigger patch with some activities it shall be fun to.

Cole driving the tractor.
Maddie also driving the tractor.
They wanted to make funny faces. Maddie did a good job holding Ellie. Ellie wasn't loving it but she was a good sport.
The albino pumpkin was a hit. We have seen a lot of them here. I think they are cool.


Nate & Kelly said...

Ahh, what fun! Ellie is getting so big! It's suprising that the pumpkins aren't super sized since everything is bigger in Texas! We can't wait for the pumpkin carving pictures to post! Miss you and love you lots!

kami @ said...

Look at little Ellie sitting up, she looks so big. Cole's faces are so funny. Cute pics of your kiddos. My mom says "Hi", we are in Montana right now. She thinks your kids are darling.

Geri R said...

These pictures are so cute. I totally relate to the smoke alarm thing. Our alarm went off all night one time cause we couldn't get it to stop, and it was hard wired, so there was no battery to take out...turns out it was the stuff they refinished the floors with that did it.

Rachel said...

That pumpkin patch makes me miss OHIO! We are going to one this weekend, but I am sure that it won't have a fun tractor to ride. Tori and Kennedy both say hi to Maddie and Cole. They sure miss them.